In Italy, a herd of sheep predicts impending earthquakes. In the Bahamas, a school of tiger sharks discovers the world’s largest seagrass ecosystem. In the U.S., a flock of...
Movin’ and poopin’ are two things often on Diego Ellis Soto’s mind – the movin’ and poopin’ of animals, that is.
Diego, a PhD candidate at the YBGC Center, is a movement...
If you ask an ecologist to tell you how they first got interested in the field, most of the time you’ll hear about a childhood memory of being in the great outdoors.
33%, 45%, even upwards of 60% – these are the staggering amounts of suitable habitat some species have lost in the past two decades alone, leaving them struggling to cling on...
As COP15 came to a close in Montreal on December 19th, nearly 200 parties agreed to adopt the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) and its 4 Goals and 23...
Emily Sandall, former postdoc at the BGC Center, is among 300 fellows in the 50th class.
The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) is pleased to announce...
In a study led by Yale BGC postdoc Emily Sandall and co-authored by former postdoc Stefan Pinkert and Walter Jetz, the most comprehensive global-scale dataset of odonate...