Lab News

Marta Jarzyna awarded YCEI Fellowship, joining group in Fall 2014
August 31, 2014
Marta Jarzyna has been awarded a YCEI Postdoctoral Fellowship to work on ‘Impacts of Climate Change on Functional and Phylogenetic Vertebrate Assemblage Structure’.  Marta...
New paper assessing the distribution and conservation of evolutionary distinctness in birds
April 10, 2014
Covered by Wired Magazin, New Scientist, BBC, Guardian etc. See examples of press coverage here And check out associated Map of Life tools here.
Ignacio Quintero awarded NSF Graduate Fellowship
April 1, 2014
Jetz Lab student Ignacio Quintero has won a Graduate Research Fellowship from the National Science Foundation (NSF). The NSF’s Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) ...
Bird tree visualization exhibited at British Library
March 5, 2014
Lab bird tree (Jetz et al. Nature 2012) one of “14 World-Changing Data Visualizations, From the Last 4 Centuries” exhibited at British Libary Wired Magazine,  British Library...
Katherine Mertes Awarded NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship
February 1, 2014
Congratulations to Katherine Mertes for receiving the 2012 Nasa Earth and Space Science Fellowship (NESSF)! Katherine says: “I use movement data to empirically measure the...
Spatial scaling of functional structure in bird and mammal assemblages
April 1, 2013
Walter Jetz and former postdoc Jonathan Belmaker have published a paper examining the spatial scaling of functional structure[1].. Their work used 679 spatially nested bird...
Essential Biodiversity Variables
January 1, 2013
Walter Jetz and others have published a paper in Science outlining the need to develop Essential Biodiversity Variables [1]. EBVs facilitate the harmonization of existing...