Walter Jetz

Walter Jetz's picture
Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and of Forestry and Environmental Studies



Walter Jetz is Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and of the Environment at Yale University where he directs the Yale Center for Biodiversity and Global Change. He is Scientific Chair of the EO Wilson Biodiversity Foundation and co-chairs the Species Population Working Group of GEO BON. For IPBES, he was member and co-manager of the Task Force on Data and Knowledge, chaired the Task Group on Indicators and was Lead Author of the Global Assessment. He directs Map of Life, a platform addressing global species populations and their change, and the Half-Earth Project Map which identifies global priorities for area-based conservation. Walter is also a founding steering member of Wildlife Insights and steering committee member of the Global Mountain Biodiversity Assessment. Addressing questions in ecology, evolution, and conservation, he has been an ISI Highly Cited Researcher annually since 2014 and has mentored over thirty students and postdocs who are now in tenure-track faculty or tenured research positions.

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Area of Interest

Ecology, Biodiversity science, Conservation, Global change 

Appointments and Select Current Service

Director, Yale Center for Biodiversity and Global Change


Scientific Chair, E.O. Wilson Biodiversity Foundation

Lead: Map of Life

Steering Committee Member, Global Mountain Biodiversity Assessment

Member, GEO BON Implementation Committee

Steering Committee Member, Wildlife Insights

Select Past Appointments and Service

Chair, IPBES Task Group on Indicators (2016-2018)

Lead PI, Future Earth Cluster on ‘Biodiversity Monitoring, Prediction and Reporting’ (2014-2017)

Director, Yale Program in Spatial Biodiversity Science and Conservation (2013-2016)

Chair, Yale University Teaching, Learning and Advising Committee (2013-15)

Assistant, Associate Professor, Biological Sciences, University of California San Diego (2004-2009)


2002, D.Phil. Zoology. University of Oxford, UK. Title: Biodiversity of African birds. Advisor: Prof. P.H. Harvey FRS.

1997, M.Sc. Integrative Bioscience. University of Oxford, UK. Distinction.

1996, Pre-diploma Biology. University of Würzburg, Germany.

Area of Interest: 
Ecology, Biodiversity Science, Conservation, Global Change