Walter Jetz

Walter Jetz's picture
Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and of Forestry and Environmental Studies



Work in our group addresses the patterns and processes behind the distribution of species and their traits in space and time. We are particularly interested in the scale-dependence of both evidence and mechanism in biodiversity science and how environment, ecological, and macroevolutionary mechanisms combine to determine the co-occurrence of species and the structure of assemblages. We aim to use this as basis for assessing the the fate of biodiversity and its functions under global change. We work with a variety of systems, both animals and plants, but have to date been particularly active addressing birds and terrestrial vertebrates.

Publication Profile

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Area of Interest

Ecology, Global biodiversity science, Global change biology, Ecoinformatics

Appointments and Service

Professor, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Yale University

Adjunct Professor, School for Forestry and the Environment, Yale University

2008 - 2009, Associate Professor, Biological Sciences, University of California San Diego.

2004 - 2008, Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences, University of California San Diego.

Scientific Chair, E.O. Wilson Biodiversity Foundation (2018-)

Director, Yale Center for Biodiversity and Global Change (2016-)

Steering Committee, Diversitas Global Mountain Biodiversity Assessment (2013-)

Chair, IPBES Task Group on Indicators (2016-)

Member, GEO BON Implementation Committee (2014-)

Lead PI, Future Earth Cluster on ‘Biodiversity Monitoring, Prediction and Reporting’ (2014-2017)

Director, Yale Program in Spatial Biodiversity Science and Conservation (2013-2016)

Chair, Yale University Teaching, Learning and Advising Committee (2013-15)



2002, D.Phil. Zoology. University of Oxford, UK. Title: Biodiversity of African birds. Advisor: Prof. P.H. Harvey FRS.

1997, M.Sc. Integrative Bioscience. University of Oxford, UK. Distinction.

1996, Pre-diploma Biology. University of Würzburg, Germany.

Area of Interest: 
Ecology, Global Biodiversity Science, Global Change Biology, Ecoinformatics